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How We Work

The Lansing Catalyst helps to achieve Social Justice by teaching people, to teach others.  This is a way to make progress where we live, work and play. Social justice is important for the welfare of society. Having social justice and responsibility leads to satisfaction and pleasure of life. In addition, we learn to have a better understanding of the leaders around us. 

The Catalyst works with people and organizations to address “cultural incapacity,” and the unwillingness to help people due to biases and discrimination. This change is set forth with observation, face to face instruction, data analysis, community outreach and benchmarking (SMART GOALS). Together, we can create the community we envision by rolling up our sleeves and setting aside our differences.


The Founder and Executive Director

Tired of only talking about change, Jackson knew that she must take a different approach and use her gifts to be an advocate for Social Justice. Having learned how to make and implement wise decisions for self, community, and family, her stumbling blocks became her biggest attributes as she continued to learn from experience. “The Lansing Catalyst” came about from Yanice channeling her energy into creation rather than destruction.

Yanice was raised in Lansing Michigan and attended Lansing public schools. She has distinguished herself in business and community-based pursuits. Yanice obtained her Bachelor of Science in Broadcast Journalism and her Master of Business Administration. She is a licensed minister and currently studying to receive her Master of Divinity in Pastoral Studies. She has more than fifteen years of business experience and a career founded upon a diverse and extensive education.


She offers herself as a bridge to connect people when opinions differ. She desires to share vital information and assist in effective collaboration within communities.  Yanice works for the Chronicle News and resides in Lansing, Michigan with her family.

Let him that stole steal no more: but rather let him labour, working with his hands the thing, which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth.

Eph 4:28 KJV

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Address: P.O. Box 27353 Lansing, MI. 48909  

Phone:  517-225-6340


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